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omVega3 STRONG (360 capsules algae oil)

empf. VK 99,00€ Save 5%
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Price incl. MwSt / VAT (7%) 6,15€
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3 items 84,60€ 10% off
Product Details
GTIN (EAN): 4260750580214
Marke: vitaGreen

After several years of intensive planning and development work, we proudly present a new masterpiece:

The high content of the most valuable long-chain omega-3 fatty acids EPA & DHA is obtained from sustainably farmed algae ( Schizochytrium sp ). 500 mg of this valuable vegan omega-3 oil is presented in a vegan capsule shell, which is also pleasant for children and seniors to swallow due to its small size and gentle surface structure. Gentle, sustainable cultivation in closed systems reduces the environmental influences that are unavoidable with fish oils (TOTOX value less than 1, which is sensational!).
The outstanding health-preserving properties of this vegan EPA and DHA are so impressive that the responsible European control authority EFSA has issued health statements on the topics of: Heart function, brain function, vision, eye health and cholesterol.
IMPORTANT FOR PREGNANT AND BREASTFEEDING WOMEN!!! Based on the impressive new scientific evidence, EFSA advises a daily intake for pregnant and breastfeeding women and infants: The daily intake of at least 200 mg DHA by the mother
  • contributes to normal brain development in the foetus and breastfed infant!
  • contributes to the normal development of the eyes in the foetus and in the breastfed infant!
  • As little as 100 mg of DHA daily contributes to the normal development of vision in infants up to 12 months of age!
Conclusion : The intake of the long-chain omega-3 fatty acid DHA during pregnancy and breastfeeding creates a better starting position for the entire life of the child! Who would want to voluntarily give it up? The findings are so new and spectacular that even many gynaecologists, midwives and other mothers don't know it yet. So please spread the word - for a better future for our children.
The eco-friendly ECOPACK contains 360 vegan capsules of omVega3 STRONG. With a daily intake of 3 capsules, you can make a significant contribution to maintaining your health for 120 days. The intake is recommended for all age groups, children under 3 years take 2 capsules daily, during pregnancy the daily requirement is 5 capsules.

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omVega3 STRONG (360 capsules algae oil)
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