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Herbal tinctures

Price incl. MwSt / VAT (19%) 5,57€
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Product Details
Marke: vitaGreen

Highest quality

The plants used for our seasonings are grown in biodiversity without the use of fertilisers and pesticides in certified organic cultivation. Only Demeter seeds are used.
Coriander has proven its worth in naturopathic detoxification therapy. Coriander mobilises heavy metals from the nervous tissue. Coriander is also very popular in the kitchen. Asian dishes in particular taste twice as good with a little coriander. In addition, it optimally supports your body's own detoxification.
Coriander seasoning contains approx. 36 % alcohol by volume.
Wild garlic
Wild garlic contains high concentrations of sulphur-containing substances, especially methyl-L-cysteine sulphoxide. This makes wild garlic very valuable from a nutritional medicine point of view. The sulphur-containing substances are urgently needed for many metabolic processes in the body.
Wild garlic is very popular as a spice in the kitchen. You can especially refine salad dressings with wild garlic and thus optimally support the body's own detoxification.
Wild garlic seasoning contains approx. 36 % alcohol by volume.

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Herbal tinctures
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