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OMEGA-3 Premium Fish Oil

Price incl. MwSt / VAT (7%) 6,48€
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2 items 94,05€ 5% off
3 items 89,10€ 10% off
Product Details
GTIN (EAN): 4260750580146
Marke: vitaGreen

Among the polyunsaturated omega-3 class there are two representatives with outstanding health-promoting properties:

EPA - known as 'heart fatty acid' (min. 90 mg / capsule) and DHA - known as 'brain fatty acid' (min. 60 mg / capsule).
Unlike many omega-3 concentrates on the market, we do not use the chemical refining and distillation processes. As physically produced fish oil in premium quality, our omega-3 is modelled on nature. Per gram of the carefully extracted oil, 1000 ppm of natural vitamin E is added as an antioxidant to optimally protect this premium oil. But also a stock-friendly and sustainable fishery, as well as a comprehensive pollutant control are a matter of course for our enriched salmon oil in premium quality.
The 100 gram tin contains (approx. 140 capsules) and lasts for approx. 23 days.
The 250 gram tin contains (approx. 350 capsules) and lasts for approx. 60 days.
The 500 gram tin contains (approx. 700 capsules) and lasts for approx. 120 days.
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OMEGA-3 Premium Fish Oil
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