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'Health Complete System'

Price incl. MwSt / VAT (7%) 19,56€
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Product Details
Marke: vitaGreen

'Health completely' protected : you can't save more sensibly than that.

With the unique 'Health Complete System', VitaGreen offers a simple and highly effective basic solution for daily use. In times of 'stress', high physical and mental strain, growth and ageing (also ideally suited for children!), before exams, after illnesses, before challenges - you can always rely on our 'Health-Complete-System'. Make up for deficiencies before they arise...
With the combined intake of C.P. Protect®, C.G.F.® and VitaGreen Omega-3® you can significantly increase the effectiveness of the individual products synergetically and strengthen your health sustainably.
With the closely coordinated system of natural active ingredients, you can close existing gaps in your nutrient supply, stimulate healthy growth and cell regeneration, strengthen the immune system and promote the body's own detoxification.
In the face of ongoing health threats, a strong and competent immune system plays a key role in the severity of an infection. Vaccines give your immune system the key to keeping invading viruses at bay. Help your immune system to develop the necessary power - with the competence of nature.
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'Health Complete System'
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