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Chlorella PYRENOIDOSA (C.P.Protect)

empf. VK 99,00€ Save 14%
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2 items 80,75€ 5% off
3 items 76,50€ 10% off
Product Details
GTIN (EAN): 4260750580009
Marke: vitaGreen

These high-quality pressed pellets are gently produced from chlorella algae without any preservatives or additives. One pellet contains 200 mg of pure Chlorella Pyrenoidosa . Unless otherwise therapeutically prescribed, the general daily recommended intake is 20 easy-to-swallow pellets (equivalent to 4 grams).

The 125 g tin lasts for approx. 31 days.
The 250 g tin lasts for approx. 62 days.
The 500 g tin lasts for approx. 125 days.
Chlorella pyrenoidosa (C.P.) is the most powerful variety of the small microalgae because of its 3-layer cell wall!
In addition to its excellent detox competence, chlorella supports your body in natural regeneration, strengthens your immune competence, helps you to neutralise harmful substances and protects you from 'free radicals'. At the same time, chlorella provides you with over 60% high-quality vegetable protein (with all 8 essential amino acids!), important vitamins (important for vegetarians: high content of vitamin B12!), minerals, trace elements and a unique spectrum of plant substances (SPS) as excellent antioxidants.
The exemplary purity and unmistakably high quality of our chlorella products are the result of 30 years of intensive research and cooperation with the world's leading specialists and raw material manufacturers. So that your health comes home and stays with you!
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Anja B.
Ich mag den sehr guten, frischen Geschmack der Algen. Habe leiderschon viel schlechtere Qualität von anderen Händlern bekommen. Bin sehr zufrieden!! Danke sehr.
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Chlorella PYRENOIDOSA (C.P.Protect)
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