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Chlorella Balsam

Price incl. MwSt / VAT (19%) 5,57€
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In stock: 943 available
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2 items 33,15€ 5% off
3 items 31,41€ 10% off
Product Details
GTIN (EAN): 4260750580061
Marke: vitaGreen

Chlorella Balsam is a gentle natural cosmetic based on chlorella algae. Your skin is gently and deeply freed from pollutants and at the same time provided with beneficial nourishing substances.

With regular use (3-5 times a week), you help your skin to better withstand the harmful influences of environmental toxins, air pollution, UV damage and chemicals from decorative cosmetics. A soothing skin care feeling remains!

Application: Apply the relatively firm Chlorella Balsam to the skin and gently massage it in. The green balm becomes soft and pleasant on the skin (melting point is 33 degrees). Now the nurturing effect unfolds into the deeper layers of the skin, while the chlorella algae bind the harmful substances indissolubly. After 20 to 25 minutes, the Chlorella Balsam is washed off with warm water (without soap!). The pollutants bound to the green chlorella algae are also rinsed off. The highly effective nourishing ingredients of the balm remain on and in the skin and unfold their lasting deep-penetrating effect.

Chlorella Balsam is suitable for all skin types, including irritated skin. It is recommended and suitable for scar treatment and for the care of problem skin (such as neurodermatitis). The glass jar made of special Miron glass contains 40 ml and is sufficient for approx. 20 - 30 applications.

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Chlorella Balsam
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