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Quantity | Price per item | Discount |
2 items | 141,55€ | 5% off |
3 items | 134,10€ | 10% off |
C.V.E. is a highly effective cell nucleus extract from the microalgae Chlorella Vulgaris. The multi-step, complex extraction process for C.V.E. extraction is comparable in essential parts to our digestive process and is therefore also called Digestraction®. This means that the hydrogenated cell nucleus components can be absorbed easily and without energy loss at practically 100%.
The small vegan capsules are made from plant starch and each contains 250 mg of this high-quality chlorella extract.
Health starts in the cell - and this is exactly where C.V.E. supports with the necessary ready-to-fit building blocks. At the same time, this special extract from chlorella algae unfolds its extraordinary detoxification potential directly in the cell. Together with its 'parent substance' chlorella (which detoxifies mainly in the intestine), it forms a powerful team to cleanse your entire organism of toxins and heavy metals, while at the same time providing all the necessary cell nucleus components you need to stay healthy.
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Weil uns unsere Umwelt sehr am Herzen liegt, verzichten wir beim Packmaterial komplett auf Plastik. Die Kartons sind Graskartons, Sie werden umweltschonend aus heimischem Gras und Altpapier hergestellt. Als Füllmaterial nutzen wir nur 100% Recycling-Papier und Polsterflocken, die aus Erbsenstärke (kompostierbar) hergestellt werden. Wir haben ja nur eine Umwelt....