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Book (GERMAN) Download: DOCTOR CHLORELLA by Dr Frank Liebke

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Product Details
ISBN: 978-3-940499-01-1
Einbandart:: DIGITAL as PDF

Now the great chlorella compendium DOKTOR CHLORELLA by Dr. Frank Liebke is also available digitally for DOWNLOAD (in GERMAN as PDF).

On 228 pages, he brings together his enormous practical knowledge about chlorella with the groundbreaking scientific findings from nutritional medicine. With deep insights into the physiological connections of the individual groups of substances for our health, Dr. Liebke leads the interested layman as well as the expert to astonishing knowledge. In this day and age with an unbelievable flood of information on the internet, this is a reliable guide from 30 years of medical experience with all aspects of therapeutic application.
Dr. Frank Liebke is considered one of the specialists on the subject. After his doctorate on 'behaviour-oriented obesity therapy', he specialised in the field of 'preventive and nutritional medicine'.

The list of approx. 1,200 sources and scientific papers used can be found as a free download in the READING SAMPLE section of this website.

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Book (GERMAN) Download: DOCTOR CHLORELLA by Dr Frank Liebke
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