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BOOK: AlgenApotheke (FRENCH VERSION, digita download) by Dr. Frank Liebke

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Product Details
ISBN: 978-3-940499-04-2FR
Einbandart:: DIGITAL as PDF

Book for DOWNLOAD as PDF: AlgenApotheke (FRENCH VERSION, digital) by Dr. Frank Liebke.

Dr. Frank Liebke is a doctor, author and clinical drug tester. Now his latest bestseller (over 48,000 copies sold) on the subject of 'Chlorella algae' is finally available digitally and in several languages for download (German, French, English and Russian).
On 118 entertaining and easy-to-understand pages, Dr. Liebke provides deep insights into the complex positive effects of chlorella use. Peppered with 27 exciting case studies from his 30 years of practical experience with chlorella, this guidebook gives you many practical tips for a long life full of energy and vitality.
Whether as a child or adult, during pregnancy, in sports or when under too much stress: in every phase of life you will benefit from the powerful effects of the little green wonder 'Chlorella'.
HOW THE DOWNLOAD WORKS: After successful purchase (checkout: Add to cart, then complete the chewing process via the shopping cart), you will receive a download link via email to the email address used for the purchase. With this download link (valid for 72 hours) you can easily download the book as a PDF. To read the book you need a standard program to open PDFs. The PDF is also printable.
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BOOK: AlgenApotheke (FRENCH VERSION, digita download) by Dr. Frank Liebke
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