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Books by Dr Frank Liebke

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ISBN: ISBN 978-3-940499-04-2

About the author:

Frank Liebke, MD, is a specialist in general medicine and an expert in preventive, orthomolecular and nutritional medicine. In addition to his work as a doctor, he lectures on the background of nutrition-related diseases. He is a clinical drug tester and author of numerous books. As an author, he is characterised by his pictorial language and the comprehensibility of complex issues. He lives in Hamburg and is the father of two sons.

About the books:
Most of the books are only available in GERMAN.
Only the Chlorella book Algenapotheke is also available in French, English and Russian as a PDF . If you need an English, French or Russian edition, please send a request to hc@vitagreen.de(Holger Cremer).
When it comes to nutrition and health, don't just rely on your luck! Certainly, there is health power in many natural foods.Dr. Frank Liebke's books describe the strategies and nutrients with the potential to take your health to the next level. Easy to read and understandable for everyone, Dr. Frank Liebke guides you on a new path to your health. Have fun reading...
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Dr.med.Pfeifer M.
Ein gutes ausführliches Buch.Erstaunlich wie viele positive Wirkungen dieser Mittel hat M Pfeifer
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Books by Dr Frank Liebke
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